
Saturday, Thing #2 turned 7. And, his birthday gifts were, of course, from yard sales. Never pay retail for birthday gifts–you can find almost anything at yard sales/garage sales if you search every week!

First, I got him 2 DS games for $1 each.  That is a huge bargain. DH & I were at a yard sale where everything was $1. They had wonderful name brand clothing (I got Thing #2 Quicksilver jeans for next year for $1.00 each, and Thing #1 name brand shirts/shorts for $1 each). Then, I found a bag of DS games, and I asked her what she wanted, and she said only $1 per game.

However, the real birthday highlight was the big present. We found Razor Electric bikes/mopeds from the online yard sale Facebook site a few months back. They were quite a bargain; I won’t say exactly what we paid, but it was very reasonable. They included the chargers. Now, they aren’t perfect. We have had to replace the tire on Thing #2’s (which we knew when we bought them), and we have to do some minor repairs on DS #1’s (loose wire connections), but they work well overall!

Here is Thing #2 , on his 7th birthday, riding his new “motorcycle” or “dirt bike” (as he calls it) NOTE: YES, we do require the boys wear helmets–he was just sitting on it without riding at the time.:

razor dirt bike from a yard sale

DS#1 (Thing 1) got a moped style Razor Scooter from a yard sale. We bought them from the same people from the Online Yard Sale site, and those were the styles available. The moped style is a bit larger which was why we gave it to Thing 1 (as he is older). He got his birthday gift early (he will have his birthday in October, but we wanted him to have time to ride it before it got too cold out!).

Razor Moped from yard sale

Here is my 7 year old blowing out his candles:


By the way, we had to store the moped/dirt bike at a friend’s house so our boys would not find them. Now, it’s time to start looking ahead for Christmas gifts. There is still time–yard sale season is not yet over!

I came across this article from Reader’s Digest about Things You Should Never Buy at Yard Sales:

Reader’s Digest Yard Sale Article

Some of the items I agree with: carseats, car tires, Laptops/computers

Some of the items I disagree with. We’ve gotten some bike helmets that are in excellent condition (never used, even). We’ve gotten swimming suits and shoes for our kids. And, we always buy cheap DVD’s at yard sales.

What would I stay away from at a yard sale? Underwear (duh ;), VHS tapes (I can’t believe people still use them), electronics (unless they plug them in for me and I can test them), worn out clothing, etc. . .Pretty obvious stuff. I did buy our crib second-hand w/ my first child, but I don’t think they had so many regulations then (10 years ago). That’s just the list off the top of my head.

What will you NOT buy at a yard sale?

Last week was the first real “yard sale week” around here. DH and I went to a 40 family sale where we found this NEW IN BOX Radio Flyer steel wagon which we bought for $10:

Radio Flyer Steel Wagon

We also found this Kettler pedal go-cart for $5:

Kettler Pedal Go Kart

Now, getting ready for this weekend, a few people have asked me where I find the yard sales I shop at. Well, first I look on Craigslist (our local Craigslist). I search under “garage sales” using the words “multi-family”, “development”, “community”, and “neighborhood”. I prefer neighborhood sales to single-family sales. I then narrow it down by location. I also search our online local paper as well. Hope that is helpful as you hunt for deals this weekend and this summer!

Well, I didn’t get to any “real” yard sales yet this season. I am still anxiously awaiting their “arrival”, but seeing as it is actually supposed to hit 70 degrees this spring (FINALLY!) this week. . .I am holding out hope for this coming Saturday!

Until then, I thought I would share one of my favorite finds from last season: a Matilda Jane dress for Thing #3. If you aren’t familiar with Matilda Jane, it is a very expensive boutique line of adorable dresses (that I can’t afford to buy new). This dress was $2.00!!! It would sell for around $60 new. I was thrilled when I found it!

Here are some pictures of Thing #3 modeling my find for church this morning. I don’t expect I will find Matilda Jane clothing at yard sales very often, but it really was a fun find!

First, here she is with her brothers!

Matilda Jane Dress

Front of the Matilda Jane dress–It’s hard to get her to stay still to get a decent picture.

Matilda Jane DressBack of the Dress

Matilda Jane Dress

Still waiting for warm weather here. It’s supposed to be spring, but feels like it’s not. Where is the weather that is 60 degrees and sunny? I can’t wait for regular yard sales to start, but the weather just doesn’t seem to be cooperating yet.

DH and I went to two mommy markets this Saturday (believe it or not, we really do enjoy spending our “date” mornings this way. . .sometimes we mix it up and go grocery shopping. . .we’re exciting that way.)

Anyway, here are just a FEW of my finds for this week:

For Thing #1

Soccer Cleats — $2

soccer cleats

Lord of the Rings DVD — $3

Lord of the Rings

Timberland Boots — $2

timberland boots

For Thing #2

Transformer Bumblebee Pajamas — $1 (also got him a Star Wars pair)

transformer bumble bee pajamas


For Thing #3

Converse  Shoes — $3

converse sneakers

Lands End 2 pc Rash-guard swimming Suit– $3

Lands End Swimming Suit

Columbia Sneakers in Box — $5

columbia sneakers


It was a rather gloomy and cold weekend. Regular yard sales have not started up yet. Thankfully, April and May are just around the corner, and I can barely wait.

At the one consignment sale I got to, however, I found something quite unique. A Discovery Store Kids “Phases of The Moon” remote control light-up moon. It was only $2!

As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to buy it. Mostly, because my son had just gone through a science unit on the moon and its phases. In fact, we spent two weeks writing down the phase of the moon each night (I have to add, it was a very long two weeks trying to remember to send Thing #1 out to look at the moon every evening!)

So, for $2, we can see all the moon’s phases right in our own home. Happily our “Phases of the Moon” moon worked. Here are a few pictures:

Phases of the moon light-up moon

Phases of the moon light-up moon

Next week is a big mommy market, so I might have some better finds. Until then, did you find anything worth mentioning this week?

This week my husband and I went to 3 local mommy markets. I am still waiting for the official “yard sale season” to start around here, but the mommy markets have been a lot of fun. They help ensure that my kids have way too much clothing. However, I buy quality brands, and sell a lot of their outgrown clothing on Ebay.

Here are my just a FEW of my finds for this week:

1. Baby Gap plaid sundress set–$2

Baby Gap plaid sundress set


2. Converse sneakers for my younger son–$1

converse Sneakers

3. Lilly Pulitzer Skirt/Skort–$1

lilly pulitzer skort

4. Baby Faith DVD– $2

Baby Faith Animals DVD

5. BRAND NEW socks (7 pair) — 2 bags– $1

brand new bag of socks

6. Pirate Sweater–$2

pirate sweater

7. Ralph Lauren polo shirts — $1 each

Ralph Lauren shirts

8. See Kai Run girl’s summer sandals in original box — $3

See Kai Run white sandals

Hope you enjoyed seeing some of my finds this week. It was a busy week, and we spent our whole morning out at the mommy markets.  Did you go out to any sales this week? What did you find?

The past two weeks, I went to the first mommy markets of the season. It was exciting, because even though I prefer “real” yard sales, I still found some great deals. To me, yard sales are like treasure hunting. You just never know what you will find. It was great to get out into the “hunt” again!

I wanted to share a few of my first finds with you.

For Thing #3:

1. Floral Skort from The Children’s Place: $1

Floral Skort from Children's Place

2. Complete outfit from The Children’s Place: $2

Patchwork Outfit from Children's Place

For Thing #2:

1. Complete Easter Vest and Shirt from Ralph Lauren: $5 (I plan to resell this next spring on Ebay)

Ralph Lauren Vest and Shirt


2. Nike sneakers for summer: $4

Nike boys sneakers

For Thing #1:

1. Angry Birds Shirt: $1

Angry Birds Shirt

2. Adidas Dri-Fit Material Phillies Shirt: $2

Adidas Phillies Dri Fit Shirt

Did you start shopping at yard sales or mommy markets yet this season? What have you found so far? I am excited to continue sharing my finds with you each week throughout the season!

I am so excited for yard sale season to begin. It is only a few weeks away now, and I am already imagining the bargains I will find.  Yard sales bring the same fun to me that some people get from going to the mall.

Why shop at yard sales (in case you are not a yard sale addict like myself)?

1. You save money. Seriously. You can’t beat beautiful artwork for $2 a picture, a $2 coffee-table book (with gorgeous portraits), lots of name-brand clothing for children for next-to-nothing (see picture below of my daughter in a Lucky shirt and Janie and Jack skirt). I bought this outfit for $1.00  at a yard sale last year!

Lucky Shirt and Skirt from Yard Sale

2. It is a way of “recycling”. If you are big on “reusing, renewing, and recycling”, you ought to be shopping at yard sales. You are purchasing items that many sellers would otherwise throw away!

3. It is fun. . .like treasure hunting. Yes, some yard sales are really only junk, but some have fabulous treasures to be discovered.

Anyway, those are just a few of the reasons you ought to try yard-sale shopping. You just never know what is waiting at the yard sale for you to discover. I will be posting some of my own yard sale finds each week throughout the yard sale season! Hope you join me.

This is the continuation of my first post on the topic of having a successful yard sale. Hopefully, if you are planning a yard sale soon, these ideas/suggestions will be of help to you.

1. Price everything. As a yard sale shopper, almost nothing annoys me more than having to “ask” for a price. I like to know what the price is in advance. You can get stick-on price tags at Dollar Tree. Also, for clothing, you can put a sign up “$1.00 per item” or something similar. I would recommend setting your “asking” prices slightly higher than what you really want for something, so shoppers can “haggle” down.

2. Set up and Open on Time. Shoppers like to come to a yard sale where the sellers are set-up and ready to go. Be prepared for early yard-salers.

3. Have a plan for inclement weather. Set a rain-date in advance.

4. Have lots of plastic grocery bags on hand to bag purchases. Also, make sure to have plenty of newspapers in order to “wrap” fragile items.

5. ALWAYS keep your money in a safe spot. Do not “man” the yard sale alone. Some people prefer to keep the money on their person (a money belt), while others use a money box. Never leave it unattended.

6. Watch the buyers. People steal. It’s unfortunate, but true. Have someone watching your items, the money, and the buyers at all times.

7. Get your children involved.  Have them help sell their toys, their outgrown clothing, or cookies and lemonade. There are lots of “real-life” skills they can practice—counting money, making change, earning their own money, etc.

8. Reduce prices towards the “end” of the sale to move your items. Most people don’t want to haul unsold items back into their homes. Decide if you want to donate what is left (and where), and make plans on how to do this.

Yard Sale Sign